Friday, 21 September 2012
*SmackDown started with Edge coming out. Haven airs in America as SmackDown ends. He plugged Haven, then said he had started watching WWE as a fan again. He said he had never seen anything like the Bryan/Kane hug after winning they won the titles. The footage got a yes chant. He wanted to know how they became friends and champions. Bryan came out with his belt and a microphone.

Bryan corrected Edge on his use of pronouns, saying “they” weren’t champions, “he” was. Bryan said he pulled it off by being in control of himself. Bryan tried to goad Edge by bringing up Vickie. Bryan told him to go back to acting and retirement, because there was nothing he could do to make Bryan snap. Edge said his intention wasn’t to make him snap, but it sounds like a challenge. They got into a no/yes battle. Bryan started losing it until Kane’s music hit.

Kane and Bryan got into it over who was the tag team champions until Edge broke them up. They both told Edge to take it easy, that he looked angry. Edge was confused about Kane being like Barney instead of the Big Red Machine. Edge brought up their history and asked if he remembered (killing Paul Bearer, etc). Kane said he remember and wanted to rectify that situation. Edge took off his jacket and prepared for a fight, but Kane opened his arms for a hug. Edge gave him a tentative hug and that set off Bryan no’ing again. Edge invited him into the hug and Bryan was smitten. He was a few paces away when Sandow’s music put a stop to it.

He called the situation an abomination. Edge cut him off saying he could watch Bryan and Kane hug it out all show, but thirty seconds of Sandow was making him barf. Edge invited Sandow down while Kane and Bryan argued over who could fight him. It was about twenty minutes in and cut awkwardly to commercial.

*Damien Sandow beat Kane by pinfall when Bryan argues with Kane about who's the tag champion. Sandow hits his finisher and pins him. Bryan walks away with both titles.

*Kane was flipping out backstage, looking for Bryan. He found Shelby instead. Kane said he would tear the beard off Bryan’s goat face if he didn’t give his title back. Bryan popped out of hiding when Kane said he had a goat face. Shelby nearly lost his cool asthey argued. He collected himself and said they had made progress and they could solve this with a trust exercise. Kane promised not to rip off Bryan’s beard if he gave back the title. Bryan returned the title. Kane said there was still the issue that Bryan caused him to lose. On Shelby’s recommendation, Kane said he would feel better if Bryan also had to compete tonight. Kane then said he was the champions and left.

*Del Rio was waiting for Booker in his office. He called Booker a coward for reinstating the Brogue kick, and said that he made him lose. Booker said the move was dangerous but legal, and if Del Rio didn’t want to get hurt, maybe he should get out of Sheamus’ business. Booker said he did feel bad about reinstating it right before the match, but he wasn’t just giving Del Rio another chance, he had to earn it. He then booked Del Rio & Ziggler to take of Sheamus and Orton. Del Rio leftafter throwing away Booker’s book.

*Layla beat Natalya by pinfall.

*Sheamus (C) & Randy Orton beat Alberto Del Rio and Dolph Ziggler when Dolph tries to hit Sheamus with the briefcase but Sheamus runs him over with the Brogue Kick for the pin.

*Cody Rhodes beat Daniel Bryan by pinfall when Kane interfered and Bryan lost control to the Cross Rhodes.

*Bryan found Kane in the back and yelled at Kane for screwing him over. Kane said after what Bryan did, they were even. Bryan said Kane was jealous because he was the better singles competitor. Bryan said Kane belonged in the basement, Kane said Bryan belonged in a petting zoo. They stopped arguing when they noticed Sandow and Rhodes laughing at them. They united against them and challenged them for a tag match tonight. Sandow and Rhodes walked off in different directions and Bryan said he thinks they were scared of him.

*Brodus Clay beat Heath Slater by DQ as Clay was about to get the win, Drew McIntyre and Jinder Mahal attacked Clay. They, along with Slater, beat Clay down three on one, each hitting their moves. This was hardly the Nexus angle.

*Santino beat Antonio Cesaro in a non-title match.

*Kane and Daniel Bryan beat Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes by DQ in a non-title match when Cody attacked Kane on his back with a steel chair.

After the match Rhodes was about to hit Kane again when Bryan grabbed the chair. Kane took out Rhodes and Bryan raised the chair over his head to hit him in the back. He stalled when he saw Kane, but instead of teasing which he was going to hit, he gave Kane the chair like a present to hit Cody with. Bryan then got his own chair as Kane hit Rhodes, which meant they could hit Sandow together. They shared an amazing smile before they started going one for one on Sandow’s back.
During the finish of Bryan’s first match, when Kane pointed and laughed, it felt like the angle had gotten enough time for one show. Boy was I wrong. The finish here was totally worth it. Kane then dropped his chair and grabbed the Usos, who were the last team in line to run away. He threw them into the ring for Bryan to hit with his chair, then threw in the Prime Time Players, then Kidd and Gabriel. Kane grabbed his chair again and joined Bryan, who had been hitting each as they came in.

Amazing. The crowd actually gave a big clap after all the other teams were down. Kane then grabbed both titles but gave one to Bryan. Both raised a title in one hand and a chair in the other. They did bicker about who was the tag team champions as the show went off the air though.

